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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Alcohol is Cause of Oral Cancer

According to an article published by the American Association for Cancer Research in 2001 "about 30,000 people develop cancer of the oral cavity, larynx and pharynx" in the United States. Since then the numbers have increased substantially due to increased HPV and other high-risk habits is still practiced.

Together with the use of snuff products, alcohol consumption is another major cause of oral cancer. The use of snuff and alcohol together create an even greater risk. In fact, the Times published an article stating that approximately Nursing "three-quarters of oral cancers are thought to be caused by smoking and drinking alcohol."

The American Cancer Society recently published a paper describing the effects of alcohol consumption on the risk of mouth cancer. It has become clear in recent years that excessive alcohol consumption or even just coherent increase the risk of this cancer.

The American Cancer Society states, "Oral cancers are six times more common in alcohol users than non-alcoholics. Approximately 75% to 80% of patients [who suffer with this cancer] consumed alcohol frequently. Smokers who drink are also a much higher risk. In general, found that men who have two drinks a day and women who have one drink a day show an increased risk. The decrease in consumption of alcohol also decreases the risk of cancer.

If you have a habit of having an alcoholic beverage on a daily basis, you may want to consider reducing their consumption to reduce their risk of cancer. If you also used snuff products, consider working toward the elimination of snuff altogether. These two factors may have long-term effects on their health. The risk is not worth it.

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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Throat cancer throte KAN-ser Signs causes and Symptoms

Cancer that forms in tissues of the pharynx (the hollow tube inside the neck that starts behind the nose and ends at the top of the trachea and esophagus). Throat cancer includes cancer of the nasopharynx (the upper throat behind the nose), oropharynx (the middle part of the pharynx), and hypopharynx (the bottom of the throat). Cancer of the larynx (voice box) may also be included as a type of throat cancer. Most throat cancers are squamous cell carcinomas (cancer that begins in thin, flat cells that look like scales of fish). Also called pharyngeal cancer.

What causes throat cancer?

excessive alcohol consumption.
inhalation of coal, asbestos or diesel fumes.
Poor oral hygiene.
excessive consumption of salted meat.
abnormal tissue growth.

Signs and symptoms

An early indication of oral and throat cancer is one or more changes in the shape of the soft tissues of the mouth usually look or feel. Signs and symptoms may include:
A mouth sore that does not heal or increases in size
persistent pain in the mouth
lumps or white, red or dark patches inside your mouth
thickening of the cheek
difficulty chewing or swallowing or moving the tongue
Difficulty moving the jaw or swelling or pain in the jaw
Sore throat or feeling that something is caught in the throat
pain around the teeth, or loosening of teeth
numbness of the tongue or elsewhere in the mouth
change in his voice
A lump in the neck
Bad Breath

When should I call my doctor?
Call your doctor if:
chest colds lasting more than two weeks.
hoarseness He finds inexplicable.
His voice becomes harsh.
lymph nodes on the neck.
blood is detected in saliva and nasal secretions.

HPV infection with throat cancer

Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center have conclusive evidence that human papilloma virus - causes some throat cancers in men and women. Report of the May 10 edition of the New England Journal of Medicine, the researchers found that oral HPV infection is a risk factor for the disease, regardless of snuff and alcohol, and having multiple oral sex partners tops the list sexual practices that increase the risk for HPV-related cancer. Study author and cancer virus

Honey can reduce inflammation in cancer patients
London, July 8 - A special type of indigenous honey available in New Zealand has special anti-infection properties that may help reduce inflammation in patients with cancer, for example healing powers of honey scientists.Manuka have been known for centuries. It has been used as medicine since the ancient Egyptians, who regarded it as a cure all.

Conventional treatment of throat cancer

Treatment options used to treat his throat cancer depend on a number of factors including disease stage, age and general health status and other factors. Surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are the three common forms of treatment often used to treat cancer. For more information on these and other conventional treatments for throat cancer at CTCA we offer, visit our conventional treatment options.

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Monday, February 1, 2010

Symptoms of Throat Cancer

Throat cancer usually develops on the surface of the mucosa of the larynx, pharynx or mouth. The most common symptom of throat cancer is the mass or lump in the neck. The thyroid cancer symptoms vary depending on the type of thyroid cancer. Thyroid cancers are rare. The different symptoms observed in the throat cancer are ...

Throat cancer usually begins with the nose and then spread throughout the body. This begins with a lump or nodule on the base of the neck and spread to the lymph nodes in the neck. If the tumor persisted for more than a week, then it must be consulted with a specialist. Although all the lumps are not cancer, the tumor in the nose is the first stage of throat cancer. The knot is the main symptom in the case of cancer of the thyroid gland. Although the bumps are not painful, tend to expand and result in cancer of the throat.

The following notable symptom of throat cancer is the change in his voice. Hoarseness or change in voice that lasts more than a week, should be consulted with the right doctor. The change in the voice should be consulted with an otolaryngologist. An otolaryngologist is a specialist in the field of head and neck, which can examine the possibility of vocal cord or other type of cancer. The test may be done without much pain. Not all changes in the voice of the cause of cancer. Although the change of voice that lasts more than a week you should consult an otolaryngologist.

The next type of causes for the symptoms of tumors that occur in the nose, throat and lungs. Tumors can cause bleeding in areas like the nose, throat or mouth. If bleeding occurs in the saliva of the mouth and if it occurs frequently, then the physician should be consulted to examine the possible reason for the bleeding.

The next type of symptom is swallowing problems that arise due to this type of cancer occurring in the throat or esophagus. This makes swallowing solid foods difficult and damaging. Even the liquid food can be found hard to swallow in this condition. This condition causes food to stick to a point at the mouth and eventually make it to enter or exit. If problems in swallowing food persists for more than a week, then a physician should be consulted to diagnose the problem. Generally, a barium swallow or esophagoscopy radiography was carried out to examine the causes.

The next type is also the issue of deglutition. When there is a constant pain in the ear, while swallowing food, this may signal to the tumor in his throat. Usually this symptom occurs, along with any of the other symptoms of throat cancer. If this happens with any package or sore throat, then how serious the problem is high. This type of symptom can be examined by an otolaryngologist.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How to Deal When You Have Cancer

The diagnosis is what nobody wants to hear. Despite all the advances in the field of medical science has made especially in the treatment and cure of cancer, cancer, diagnosis is feared by all people equally. Cancers are of many types and affect many parts of the body. Some cancers are found predominantly in women, while others such as prostate cancer is found only in men.

Cancer has become very treatable and there are many people today who have survived the disease once fatal. Having cancer can make people depressed because thoughts of death and mortality that become very active in their subconscious. Depression if left unchecked may lead to more stress. Another thought of stress caused by cancer is the thought of medical bills. Chemotherapy and radiation sessions are not cheap. Add this hospital, medicines and medical expenses and has a huge medical bill in front of you. His health insurance did not cover many of these costs, and all could lead to a drain on your finances. The concern about the finances of exhaustion can cause stress and other negative conditions.

Cancer can be extremely stress inducing. Stress is a state of physical or mental discomfort. Stress is the condition when things do not go your way anxiety and worry and think about the situation again and again adds to the tension. Any illness can cause stress and stress can lead to many other diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, depression and even cancer.

To stay in a positive frame of mind one can join a group of cancer in patients with cancer or cancer survivors to meet and talk about their battles and victories. These real life stories can be inspiring and can give one the determination and courage to go through treatment. Another way to combat stress is inspiring to read horror books about people who have overcome obstacles and emerge victorious.

It is important to maintain control over stress because untreated stress can lead to many health complications. There are ways to deal with the stress of the disease. It is important to be in a positive mood and a cheerful attitude. Definitely not easy when you are being treated for a potentially fatal, but at least the effort should be made. The treatment of cancer or other life-threatening condition gets faster and faster when you hold a positive attitude.

Taking the effort to make the lifestyle changes little while undergoing treatment for cancer can make recovery faster and smoother. You can change your diet and increasing intake of fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, and minerals and protein foods and foods rich in oxidants such as green tea, for example. The body becomes stronger and increased immunity, which in turn is good for the treatment of cancer.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Breast Cancer is Possible Survival

Importantly, breast cancer is not easy to define. By this I mean that there are several types of breast cancer, the different growth stages of the disease, several treatment methods and, of course, the results of several with some women overcome the disease, some live with him for periods of time different and some succumb to the disease. But the question is can beat breast cancer? The answer is definitely yes.

Once the diagnosis has revealed the presence of breast cancer, there are several factors to be considered in direct relation to the chances of patient survival. The first factor is the stage of cancer. A zero means that the cancer is detected in its early stages, has not spread elsewhere in the body and the patient has an excellent chance of survival. Other steps to reach the peak at stage 4, where the cancer has spread to other organs and puts the patient in the gravest danger. Obviously, the earlier the detection is most likely that a patient has a low reading level.

Any diagnosis of cancer is difficult to say the least and can be devastating to women, their friends and family. But if you can stay calm in this crisis, it is important to consider the survival statistics today. They have improved enormously in recent decades. In the U.S., breast cancer is detected early and found that the phase zero, which is located within the breast, the patient is receiving an excellent chance of survival in the first five years of about 98% . As treatment techniques and new drugs are discovered and researched the possibilities of a life expectancy much longer continue to improve. Survival is not just a word these days, but much more a reality.

Statistics can sometimes yield some unexpected results and is related to the age of the patient. Strange that a woman under forty years seems to have a more difficult task of survival of a woman over forty. This is believed to be due to a cancer may grow more aggressively in a younger woman.

Chances of survival are largely determined by the degree of cancer cells in breast cancer tumor. Experts can study cancer cells under a microscope. If the cells are almost normal in appearance than are listed below as low-grade cancer is considered less dangerous. However, if cancer cells are very different from normal tissue cells of the breast after the tumor is considered as serious.

The bottom line, as we say today is that rates of breast cancer survival depend on a number of factors. And as difficult as it may be to stay calm once you have found a diagnosis of a tumor, it is vital that you as patient or as a spouse or a friend of the patient, get information from your doctor. In fact, you can survive and even overcome the disease.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Fight Prostate Enlargement with Chinese Medicine

Prostate problems are common. If they will admit it or not, men over 45 need regular prostate exams and potentially even the PSA test PSA. How does an enlarged prostate condition and is dangerous place? The prostate gland goes through two main periods of growth, once in early puberty and one on 25 years of age.

During the second phase of growth, an enlarged prostate condition can occur when the layer of tissue surrounding the prostate expansion stops and presses against the urethra. It is generally accepted that men over age 45 begin to experience some prostate enlargement, even if no significant symptoms, and 60 years of age, it is believed that 80% of all men experience an expansion that affect urination.

Traditional Chinese medicine considers that generally the condition of enlarged prostate as an accumulation of moisture and heat in the lower torso Jiao (bass), or so cold that has entered the liver channel, often accompanied by renal deficiency as an underlying root. This condition gives rise to concern all urinary symptoms listed above. Acupuncture, moxibustion and acupuncture laser shows good results in helping restore normal urinary function (SN Luo et al. Official World of acupuncture-moxibustion), and Chinese herbal therapy has been shown to eliminate the causes of the enlargement of the prostate. Overall, Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture are an important option to overcome the battle with prostate enlargement. In one study, electro-acupuncture was also shown to help chronic prostatitis cases unresponsive to conventional therapies (Ikeuchi T, Iguchi H).

Acupuncture treatments (traditional, electro, laser) and moxibustion (heat therapy) are usually once a week unless there is considerable pain 2-3 treatments per week for 1-3 weeks may be justified. Herbal Therapy Chinese will be administered in the form of tea per day, pills, powders, or drops. Some nutritional supplements and herbal therapy may also be recommended Westerners. The diet will also be reviewed from a traditional point of view vigorously to help remove anything that may aggravate the condition of the prostate.