Breast Cancer - Colon Rectal Cancer - Leukemia Lymphoma Cancer - Lung Mesothelioma Asbestos - Ovarian Cervical Uterine Cancer - Prostate Cancer - Skin Cancer

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Threatment Growing of Throat Cancer

Despite the active cancer prevention campaign, the incidence of throat cancer in the United States has not decreased in recent years. In fact, the statistics are even increasing in some areas, unlike the downward trend in the head and neck of other cancers that are usually associated with smoking and drinking alcohol.

We are investigating whether the virus infections of sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV) could be the real cause. HPV is a virus that causes infections such as genital warts and most cervical cancers. Recently, researchers have found that HPV transmission through oral sex is a potential cause of throat cancer.

Initial findings highlight the importance of research to establish whether the recent HPV vaccine available is effective in males. This vaccine is considered that almost 100% effective in preventing infection of the cervix. Thus, the medical community and the vaccine industry are encouraged to consider their role in preventing oral cancer.
At present, the consumption of snuff and alcohol are classified as major risk factors for head and neck. According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 90% of patients with these diseases either smoking or chewing snuff, or have done in the past, and up to 80% of patients with oral cancer drink too much alcohol.

The newly published analysis of head and neck cancer trends in the U.S. showed that the decline in smoking has led to a decline in most head and neck cancers in the past two decades. However, the throat cancer remains the major exception to this trend. This is more specifically defined as cancer of the oropharynx, which includes the tonsils, tongue base and soft palate, side and back of the throat.

Although these cancers are rare, its incidence has remained stable overall, while the tongue cancer rates among young adults has increased. They conclude that this is probably due to HPV infections, which can be transmitted through oral sex.

In the past five years, 35% of patients with throat cancer at MD Anderson Cancer Center had no history of smoking and that nearly 90% of patients who had never smoked showed evidence of oral HPV infection.

The current policy in the U.S. is to recommend the HPV vaccine only for girls 11 to 12 years of age and for women up to age 26 who have not received yet. The researchers concluded that vaccinating women against HPV could only result in a missed opportunity to prevent throat cancers. However, in countries like Australia and Mexico, the HPV vaccine is offered even to men, although there is still no clinical evidence to show that HPV infections in men lead to throat cancer. Studies are underway to determine whether the vaccine can protect children against genital HPV infection.

"The HPV vaccine could be a very effective protection against cervical cancer, and there's a good chance that will reduce the incidence of other types of HPV-promote cancer as well," said Debbie Saslow, PhD, of the Company American Cancer Society. "But we have no data to confirm that, and not have any in the near future."

Friday, December 25, 2009

How do life Healthy And Avoid Breast Cancer

Due to the increased life expectancy increasing number of people affected by cancer. In adults, very often operate in cancers affecting organs such as lung, pancreas or colon cancer. In children, however, carcinomas occur, as never before. For them, leukemia is the most common form of cancer.

The statistics are affected men was almost twice as often, subject to this age is 68 years of life is.

A healthy diet and regular checkups can act prophylactically, or leave a disease seen very quickly. The earlier cancer is detected, the greater the chances of recovery.

In women, breast cancer and cervical cancer is a common way. Here, too, through periodic examinations, quickly detect and treat cancer. To take precautions breast cancer, certain hormones (contraceptive pill) is well proven, especially women, whose ancestors had been ill with cancer, periodic review should be undertaken by the health perceptions.

For the prevention of breast cancer also includes the regular review. Exactly how this works, will explain to a gynecologist. These small lumps or other breast tissue or under the arm may feel a lot faster. In addition, mammography is a screening test. This form of research is especially suitable for women over 40 years.

In younger women, this research does not arise often incorrect results, as occurs in women younger than 40 years, only less frequent mammography as the research in question. But if breast cancer runs if his family and his grandmother and / or mother, you should get checked more often.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Alternative Lung Cancer Treatment

Most people around the world die of cancer, and a common cause that unites them is lung cancer. The standard age for diagnosis of this disease is sixty. Cancer can be classified into two types of small cell (or cell layer) of lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer cells. The growth of small cell cancer of the lung is very fast and can easily spread to other parts of the body. This type of lung cancer is more common among smokers. The non-small cell lung cancer cell is divided into three types: squamous cell carcinoma (a very common type of lung cancer), adenocarcinoma and large cell carcinoma.

Around 170,000 new lung cancer cases are detected each year and about 160,000 people lose their lives due to disease, if detected before spreading to lymph nodes or other parts of the body, there is a 50% chance of survival . However, most of the time, cancer is not detected in the initial phase making the chances of survival as low as 12%, although things have improved now due to improved diagnostic procedures.

There are three types of alternative treatments for lung cancer, which are the proper nutrition, oxygen therapy and lycopene. Although these natural remedies for cancer are very useful but we must also remember that the following types of medicine and alternative therapies have no scientific basis.

To reduce the risk of lung cancer should include fruits and vegetables like tomatoes in your diet. Lentinan shiitake mushrooms have also protects against lung cancer.

Soy is an antioxidant known as genistein and may inhibit the growth of lung cancer cells. Other antioxidants that help in curing lung cancer is alpha carotene, beta carotene and other carotenoids. However, many scientists believe that beta carotene can also be connected with a high rate of lung cancer and death in smokers and people exposed to asbestos. If the beta carotene, vitamin C and E are taken together the potential consequences are frustrated. Taking glutathione, selenium, lutein and lycopene may also reduce the risk of lung cancer.

There is a relationship between sugar and cancer as well. Scientists believe that the decreased intake of sugar in the body can decrease the growth rate of lung cancer. There is a solid scientific back up for it. Like the human body cell, cancer cell produced by the sugar from carbohydrates in the diet for power. Some of the active and malignant cancer cells reproduce and is spread when you take large amounts of sugar, to decrease the spread of cells from lung cancer patients are recommended to decrease the amount of sugar in your diet.

A "cure minute" on today lung cancer is the oxygen therapy. Clean and adequate supply of oxygen to a patient suffering from lung cancer is a perfect cure for this disease. Certainly, other aspects such as proper diet and good food is also taken into thought.

The lycopene or tomatoes have been accepted as a cure for various cancers, including lung cancer. Research shows that tomatoes can reduce hazards of cancer including lung cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer. Tomatoes have a certain substance known as lycopene, an antioxidant, which may be useful alternative treatment for lung cancer, but are good for preventing lung cancer.

A lot of cures for lung cancer and alternative therapies are good for a patient suffering from lung cancer, but some of them have no scientific backing.

Friday, December 18, 2009

How Curing Cancer with food

There are four characteristics to each person who is diagnosed with cancer and they are: a weak immune system, lack of oxygen in the cells, toxins and excess acidity. The food we eat every day the causes of these three characteristics.

The foods we choose to eat is closely linked to cancer, wherever it appears in the body, food is singularly defective the most important factor in the development of all cancers. If there has been enormous progress in surgery, there were many new drugs and the ability to detect cancer has improved dramatically at first. But unfortunately, the only progress they have made is the survival rate of someone diagnosed with cancer.

The reason being that they are addressing only the symptoms of cancer that is growing, not why the former has grown and it does not help the patient to overcome the problem long term. Our three main treatments are toxic and all damage to the immune system. What the body really is crying out is to be cured by good nutrition and proper food choices will be. A healthy body can overcome cancer or advanced cancer.

The most effective healer we have is a natural immune functioning and the only way to achieve this is to use our natural food as medicine. The human body has a remarkable tendency to conquer cancer through our built in immune system. The food we eat every day does not make much sense, but alas, it does not have many dollars. Therefore we will not be informed about natural treatments for food aid, because our salaries now part of everyday life are all focused on money.

The natural food for humans is freshly grown fruits and vegetables, most have anti-carcinogenic properties. Recent research has found food such as onions, tomatoes, green and orange vegetables and many fruits including berries in their natural state have an amazing ability to strengthen his body to fight cancer and other diseases. The food we eat today do not possess such properties as the fight against cancer we mostly eat food that has been processed.

By using our natural food as medicine is the application of common sense to the problem of cancer. Examining the reasons for which he first cultivated. Our food today play a large part why there is so much cancer and it is logical that by correcting the diet which will build up our immunity and enables the body to fight against cancer overcome the disease.

It is important to realize that cancer is a disease of the whole body, not only when growth has occurred. Therefore, it reappears again just after someone has suffered any orthodox treatments. Cancer is primarily due to a condition in the body by removing just thought, this does not remove the requirement that first caused these tumors appear. What is needed is healing the whole body and good nutrition will.

Cancer therapy is a billion dollar business for three years, where there is no huge profit in the use of food as your medicine. The most powerful weapon against cancer is the food we choose to eat every day.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Mesothelioma Symptoms Treatments

Mesothelioma is the thin wall surface of body cavities and organs that are contained within them. Most mesotheliomas begin with one or more nodules that develop gradually to form a solid coating around the tumor of the lung, abdominal organs or heart.

Mesothelioma occurs more often in the thoracic cavity and is associated with exposure to asbestos in 90% of cases. It has been shown that some asbestos fibers are inhaled quickly work their way through the lung and chest cavity.

There are two main types of mesothelioma cells, epithelial and sarcomatous. Sometimes these two cell types may be present. The sarcomatous type is rare and occurs in approximately 15% of cases. It portends a worse prognosis. In very rare cases, mesothelioma can be from mild, non-malignant cells. This so-called benign mesothelioma can be cured surgically.

There are four known types of mesothelioma:

1. Pleural Mesothelioma
This type of mesothelioma develops in the lining of the lungs called the pleura. This is the most common form of malignant mesothelioma with about 70 per cent of cases are pleural in origin.

2. Peritoneal Mesothelioma
This form of mesothelioma develops in the lining of the abdominal cavity, called the peritoneal membrane.

3. Pericardial Mesothelioma
This form of mesothelioma develops in the lining of the heart known as the pericardium.

4. Testicular Mesothelioma
Testicular mesothelioma develops in the tunica vaginalis of the testes and is the rarest form of cancer.

Usually, they are men mesothelioma over 40 years. Others have been exposed to asbestos in a home environment often without knowing it. Asbestos is a fibrous natural substance that was widely used in the 20th century in a number of different industries.

Mesothelioma Symptoms often resemble less serious conditions that can make diagnosis difficult. Below is a list of patients from several symptoms may experience common mesothelioma.

1. Pleural Symptoms
Shortness of breath, chest pain, cough, fatigue, lumps under the skin of the chest, swelling of the face and arms

2. Peritoneal Symptoms
Weight loss, abdominal pain and swelling, bowel obstruction, nausea, fever

3. Pericardial Symptoms
Heart palpitations, irregular heartbeat, chest pain, difficulty breathing, night sweats

4. Symptoms of testicular
Painful or painless testicular lumps

Treatment depends on the location of the tumor, how far it has spread, and your age and general health. Whatever the stage of mesothelioma, there are several types of treatments that can be used.

There are three traditional types of treatment for patients with malignant mesothelioma.

1. Surgery
Surgery has always aimed at cutting or reconstruction of the physical body

2. Radiation therapy: using high energy radiation from X-rays, gamma rays, neutrons, and other sources to kill cancer cells and reduce tumor

3. Chemotherapy
Application of beneficial effects of drugs to control or cure diseases or abnormal states in living organisms or tissue

The experimental treatments are also available for patients in a clinical trial conducted to test back-and-coming procedures and medications.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Claiming Compensation Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a terminal and debilitating illness that almost always results from exposure to asbestos. If you suffer from mesothelioma as a result of the negligence of someone else, you may be entitled to claim compensation on a victory, no, no payment of fees.

Some important information about asbestos-related form of cancer, mesothelioma, and how to apply for compensation if you are suffering from this disease.

What is mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma (cancer of the mesothelium) is a terminal cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma forms when malignant cancer cells develop along the mesothelium or the protective lining that covers internal organs of the body.

The lungs and chest cavity are the most common site for mesothelioma. Cancer cells that lead to Mesothelioma can also (rarely) develop around the heart or abdomen.

Symptoms of mesothelioma may include coughing, shortness of breath, chest pain, fatigue and weight loss.

Why asbestos is dangerous?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that has been banned from use in the United Kingdom because of its toxicity. However, until the early 1980s, and especially in the 1970s, the mineral was widely used for industrial purposes because of its seemingly valuable properties of thermal insulation, electrical resistance and chemical absorption and strength.

The many uses of asbestos in the past years have included concrete, bricks, pipes, coatings of insulation of ceilings, floors, roofs and fire resistant. Asbestos has been used so widely for so long that hundreds of thousands of people have been exposed to its toxic fibers, often without realizing they were in danger of the substance.

Claiming compensation

Some people who have been exposed to asbestos have gained experience asbestos-related diseases such as mesothelioma. People suffering from mesothelioma or asbestosis, which have been exposed to asbestos through work, without the dangers due to their employer or can not attribute their exposure to someone else's negligence, May be able to claim compensation.

This option is sometimes open to patients who have been exposed through work. It is also open to family members who have been exposed to asbestos causes fibers to be reduced on the working clothes of a family member. If there is no evidence that the negligence of someone else leads to diseases related to asbestos, compensation payable in May to the sufferer.

To claim this compensation, it is possible to claim a victory, no, not for remuneration, by personal injury lawyers. Usually, a personal injury claim must be made within three years of an accident occurring.

However, diseases related to asbestos are an exception to this rule, because the symptoms can appear several decades after exposure has occurred. For this reason, many asbestos claims related to injuries are backdated many years.

To see if you can make a claim, contact a lawyer as soon as possible after symptoms appear. They will be able to assess your application and whether you are eligible to compensation of mesothelioma.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Care Cancer Patient During Holidays GFLCCO

The holiday season brings with it each year a little hope, a little magic and can make memories that last a lifetime. For a cancer patient, he can add some snowdrifts "Extra" that must be waded through.

I offer you, the person about to start, in progress or recently concluded with cancer treatments tips hopefully useful to help you and your families through the coming months the family, friends and meetings job.

When I asked my wife, what advice she would give, a number of what it offered was: "Seek help." Fairly easy to say but not always easy to do. Do not try to do everything you own. Do not try to be everything to everyone. Do not be afraid you'll leave someone if there are things you simply can not do this year. The cancer that I am is familiar to lung cancer small cell, it was radiation and chemotherapy and took a heavy toll on my energy level and appetite and I felt drained at times and in the 'inability to concentrate. It took some time for me to admit that I sometimes need help just put my socks, but once I started asking for help, not only did he' s help enormously, it also gave the people around me a sense of purpose that they could contribute in some way.

Accepting Help is a bit of pressure and stress on you and become a part very helpful in your recovery plan.

If you are a parent, there is a certain amount of stress naturally falls on us all to make the holiday season a happy and memorable for our children. If you go through treatment you may end up over-compensating for your condition on a certain self-imposed guilt of the effect on your children. This will lead you to push your body harder and farther, then you should and could be harmful to your health long term. Depending on the age of your children, their level of understanding about what you are going through will not only help relieve your stress, but theirs too. Be as immediate as possible on how you feel. Children are remarkably resilient and most can cope with things better then we give them credit for, the key is to not overwhelm your child with too much at once.

Watch your levels. Make sure you stay hydrated and your white blood cells and red blood cells are remaining consistent. Dehydration is a huge nemesis for me as I passed by the treatment.

Make sure you have things you need. If you have had radiation treatment that came into contact with any part of your throat, then you are familiar with a substance called "magic mouthwash" and you will not find yourself without it for a long weekend. If they advise you to use an emollient for the medications you take while doing it. You do not bother to climb on you while junior school pageant.

This brings up the next tip. If you know you have a function to attend school, make sure you get enough rest before hand so that you can make it through. If there will be an office party, you can inform people in advance of your intentions. "Sally, you come to the feast of the patron?" "Yes, I am. I'll be there at 7:00 pm and plan to stay and visit everyone until 8:30, at that time I think I'll be ready to call one night. "You have now set limits for your appearance and person will leave at 8:30 asking "Have you seen Sally? "I hope nothing is happened. And it should not be a hindrance to leave at a time that suits you. Be prepared for the endless barrage of questions you will receive your health and your condition and remember you are in a festive evening of holiday and not your own wake so keep the drama to an appropriate level. It is sometimes difficult enough for people to find the right thing to tell you when you have cancer, let s 'drawn by turning the conversation on their way. Ask about their children, what are their plans for the holidays, etc. You'll find some people who are not comfortable talking about themselves are more at 'then you comfortable asking your state.

Family reunions are a little different I think you can walk into a room full of family members and say up front "Hey gang I am here, I feel pretty good tonight and I understand the concern of everyone but let us have a good time and not worry about such things now. "You can work the room a little differently with their families and with colleagues.

The important thing here is that you try out different functions that you are guests and programs for children at the church if you attend. These things are the same for you as for them. Will you want to go, probably not. Will you be able to host and prepare the big dinner this year? Not by yourself you have to do what? That's right, ask for help.

Do not miss important things because of something trivial, like a lack of hair on the head. Ladies this is for you too. You have a hat, wear a hat. Cancer is nothing to be ashamed, you are not weak, you've done nothing wrong. Cons cancer treatments have some side effects and that's all there is to it. People do not point and look at you. Be prepared, because they get themselves and wonder "I wonder what is wrong with this guy?" Followed by "I wonder how I look with more hair? But this is usually not more than that, a glance in passing curiosity. If you survive, you need to get beyond that to begin with.

It is a time to be with your friends and family do not deprive yourself of this pleasure, just plan better than you ever have before. Get plenty of rest, plenty of fluids and define your boundaries.

These things are your obligations to fulfill. You may have to seek help this year, you may not be the butterfly raging social you've been in the past.

Do not make your entire disease.

Do not try to be everything to everybody.

Do not compromise your health for any reason. Having cancer is like a heavy weight battle is rarely won the first round, it is generally decided at the end of the fight and won by boxer who is best able to go the distance. save much of your energy for the fight.

Ask for help, it will help the people closest to you face your disease if they feel useful. It is important, do not deny that.

If you have cancer, the best gift you can give this year are memories. Tell your children or grandchildren stories of holidays past (please ignore the walk up the hill to school in a snowstorm two stories means) but the share who you are with people you like and whatever your destiny, you'll live forever.

My Christmas gift to you is to tell the story of the year you've beaten cancer for Christmas many years by a healthy generation of great grandchildren who do not even know what the word "cancer."


Tim Giardina is the founder and president of the GFLCCO and a course of cancer survival in small cell lung. The Gflcco is a nonprofit organization formed to raise funds for research on lung cancer, promote public awareness and serve as an advocate for patients with lung cancer and their families. The GFLCCO is based in Florida, but also has offices in Illinois and Wisconsin and stretches out his hand in the world via the web.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Cancer Case with Chlorine

Purification of water through disinfection with chlorine began in the United States in the late 1800s. It is only considered as a water purifier because it kills bacteria and other microscopic organisms, while preventing algae growth.

Water purifiers at home have come a long way over the last hundred years. Public systems have not changed that much.

Yes, there are new technologies of water purification. There have been leaps forward and backward.
Treatment plants May use as many as 14 different steps to clean up what we have in our environment. However, a water purifier at home is always an absolute necessity.

Water purifiers that remove chlorine and chlorine by-products are some of the most advanced technologically than we have. They really belong to each home that is serviced by a public process of water purification which comprises a step of chemical disinfection. Who covers the majority of homes in America.

There are many respected doctors who believe the huge increase in cancer and heart disease since 1900 is directly related to the use of chlorine as a water purifier. The risk of cancer increased from 1 in 50 to 1 in 3. For men, it is even worse. One in two will develop a certain type of cancer in their lifetime.

Water purifiers that remove chemical contaminants may reduce the risk. Water purification at home should be listed as a cancer preventive.

Take your antioxidants. You avoid overexposure to the sun. You avoid known carcinogens whenever possible. But without a water purifier in the home, you expose yourself to hundreds or thousands of chemicals that cause cancer every time you open a tap.

According to the Institute for Ralph Nader, there are 2100 different toxic chemicals in groundwater, reservoirs and flowing through the taps of every home in America. The EPA limits the amount that may be present before the installation of public sewage can be stored for human consumption, but tests are flawed and can be misleading.

Nobody knows what effect these chemicals may be toxic when a man is constantly exposed to them throughout his life.

The EPA is only concerned about immediate, and not risk long term health. It belongs to the homeowner to think long term. But if the owner installs water purifiers to the right, then there is no need to worry. All you have to do is remember to replace your filters water purifier.

One company even took care of that for you. If you buy from them and sign up for their water for life program, your replacement cartridges are shipped directly to your door, just in time. How could it be any simpler?

It is amazing to me that people are still cooking or drinking directly from the tap. Water purifiers are relatively cheap and the best are very effective.
Why would you take the risk when water purification can be accomplished so easily right in your own kitchen?

It is now time for you to take action on what you've learned here and compare the water purifiers that you can make the best choice for you and your family.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Causes of Lung Cancer

More consumption of cigarettes, the more likely to develop lung cancer.

Cigarette smoke is the main culprit, not just cigarettes. The reason is that smokers of cigars and pipe at lower risk of developing lung cancer than cigarette smokers.

Secondhand smoke is another cause of lung cancer. Passive smokers who inhale secondhand smoke have a higher risk of developing lung cancer than non-smokers who have no relationship with smokers.

Asbestos is another cause of lung cancer. This is due to the continued presence of asbestos fibers in lung tissue of people to their deaths.

Also, the causes of asbestos, mesothelioma is a cancer of the pleura of the lung. It is a form of lung cancer. This is a serious disease that afflicts those who have long exposure to asbestos. Many people suffering from mesothelioma have successfully pursued and American companies have won large settlements.

Radon is a gas that is radioactive in nature and those exposed to suffer the risk of mutations that can become cancerous. Radon is a gas existing in nature and its concentration varies from one place to another. It can penetrate into the soil and seep into homes. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States.

Pollution from factories, cars and power plants are another cause of lung cancer. Exposure to air pollution increases the risk of developing lung cancer. Do you know for example that the exhaust is more carcinogenic than cigarette smoke?

Knowledge of the above causes of lung cancer should instill in us the fear of smoking. We must also stay away from asbestos and to confirm the levels of Radon in our homes.