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Friday, January 8, 2010

Breast Cancer is Possible Survival

Importantly, breast cancer is not easy to define. By this I mean that there are several types of breast cancer, the different growth stages of the disease, several treatment methods and, of course, the results of several with some women overcome the disease, some live with him for periods of time different and some succumb to the disease. But the question is can beat breast cancer? The answer is definitely yes.

Once the diagnosis has revealed the presence of breast cancer, there are several factors to be considered in direct relation to the chances of patient survival. The first factor is the stage of cancer. A zero means that the cancer is detected in its early stages, has not spread elsewhere in the body and the patient has an excellent chance of survival. Other steps to reach the peak at stage 4, where the cancer has spread to other organs and puts the patient in the gravest danger. Obviously, the earlier the detection is most likely that a patient has a low reading level.

Any diagnosis of cancer is difficult to say the least and can be devastating to women, their friends and family. But if you can stay calm in this crisis, it is important to consider the survival statistics today. They have improved enormously in recent decades. In the U.S., breast cancer is detected early and found that the phase zero, which is located within the breast, the patient is receiving an excellent chance of survival in the first five years of about 98% . As treatment techniques and new drugs are discovered and researched the possibilities of a life expectancy much longer continue to improve. Survival is not just a word these days, but much more a reality.

Statistics can sometimes yield some unexpected results and is related to the age of the patient. Strange that a woman under forty years seems to have a more difficult task of survival of a woman over forty. This is believed to be due to a cancer may grow more aggressively in a younger woman.

Chances of survival are largely determined by the degree of cancer cells in breast cancer tumor. Experts can study cancer cells under a microscope. If the cells are almost normal in appearance than are listed below as low-grade cancer is considered less dangerous. However, if cancer cells are very different from normal tissue cells of the breast after the tumor is considered as serious.

The bottom line, as we say today is that rates of breast cancer survival depend on a number of factors. And as difficult as it may be to stay calm once you have found a diagnosis of a tumor, it is vital that you as patient or as a spouse or a friend of the patient, get information from your doctor. In fact, you can survive and even overcome the disease.

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